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Pearl's Peril Hack Instant Hint Cooldown and No Wrong Click Penalty Update

Pearl's Peril Hack Instant Hint Cooldown and No Wrong Click Penalty Update, this cheats works to make it easy to find objects hidden, so you will be very easy to finish your mission.Features: Instant Hint Cooldown and No Wrong Click Penalty.
Info Update: 
Pearl's Peril Hack Instant Hint Cooldown and No Wrong Click Penalty Update ‎‎‎Monday, ‎January ‎27, ‎2014. Update Pearls Peril V.11_32-bit and 64-bit
Play Pearl's Peril :

Tools Required:
  1. Download and Instal Cheat Engine
  2. Download Pearl's Peril Trainer
  3. Log in to your facebook account and Play Pearl's Peril (don't click anything)
  4. Open Trainer, select your process browser then click attach, after success click continue
  5. Then enable all hack
  6. After that, play Pearl's Peril

Dragon City Hack Gem Permanent January 2014

get Dragon+City+Gem+Hack+Permanent
Collect Dragon City Gem with Hack (Pemanent) for free, with this hack you can get gem for free.

Dragon City Hack Gem Permanent New update Tuesday, ‎January ‎14, ‎2014. Update for Dragon City Hack gems Exe file with two functions, Dragon City Exe file Gems Hack and Level Hack.

Download Dragon City Hack Gems Exe file here :

Free Download Dragon City Hack Gems Exe file

Dragon City Hack Gem Permanent Update ‎Sunday, ‎January ‎26, ‎2014. Update Dragon City Hack (New 100 Gems), 50 Gems/Day and 5 Gems/Week. Vutran Tools | NhatTuan
How to get 100 Gems, 50 gems/day and 5 gems/week for free:
  1. Log in to your facebook account and play Dragon City
  2. Find your facebook id and session id, to how to find facebook id and session id you can see in the video below.
  3. After that open this site:
    Dragon City Up to 100 Gems For Free by NhatTuan
    Dragon City 5 gems/week Update Link Tools (no proxy)
    Link 1 Dragon City 50 gems/day daily Update Link Tools (no proxy)
    Link 2 Dragon City 50 gems/day daily Update Link Tools (no proxy)
    you will be asked to fill out facebook id and session id, fill with your facebook id and session id
  4. Then click submit | For NhatTuan Tool (100 Gems) Click Dragon City (with symbol eggs image)
  5. Reload Dragon City Game
  6. NOTE: Use this tool when you DID NOT open daily bonus cards. This tool will get 50 gems for free but if you reached high level it take you more time .

Kitchen Scramble Hack Complete Update January 2014

Kitchen Scramble Hack Complete Update, with this cheat you can cook instantly, get more bonus tip, and many more amenities which you can get.
Info Update: 
Kitchen Scramble Hack Complete Update ‎Saturday, ‎January ‎25, ‎2014. Update Trainer (Kitchen Scramble V.25 Trainer - free download, no password and no survey)
Features contained in Kitchen Scramble Hack Complete:
1. Instant Cooking
2. Tip Bonus++
3. Visitor Heart
4. Easy Heart Gauge

Tools reqired:
  1. CheatEngine :

    Free Download CheatEngine

  2. Kitchen Scramble V.25 32-bit and 64-bit (free download, no password and no survey) :

    Free Download Kitchen Scramble V.25.32-bit

    Free Download Kitchen Scramble V.25.64-bit

  3. Your browser
Steps to use Kitchen Scramble Hack Complete:
  1. Download and Instal Cheat Engine
  2. log in to facebook account and open Kitchen Scramble (Do not click anything.!)
  3. Open Kitchen Trainer and select process browser
  4. Then click hack list in the trainer.
  5. Then let's play

Monster Busters Hack Update

Monster Busters Hack Update
, this cheat works for set both aob to match 5 may (with high chance) cause the stage end bonus chain reaction unstoppable and useful to speed up the game.
Play Monster Busters On Facebook :


Content of the cheat :
- Speed Up : A part of animation using same duration, some may fade out fast, use if need.
- Match3 is Match4 or Match5 : Setting both aob to match 5 may (with high chance) cause the stage end bonus chain reaction unstoppable.
Monster Busters Hack Update ‎Saturday, ‎January ‎25, ‎2014. Update for Monster Busters 02.CT

Tools Required :
Steps to use Monster Busters Hack Update :
  1. Download and Instal Cheat Engine
  2. Download Monster Busters 02.CT (do not open)
  3. Log in to your facbook account
  4. Open Cheat Engine then select your process browser
  5. Load or open Monster Busters 02.CT
  6. Play Monster Busters game, when loading had reached 90%, set cheat engine speed hack to 0 then click applay
  7. Tick Speed Game hack then restore cheat engine speed hack to 1.0 then click applay
  8. After getting into the game, tick match 3 and match 4 hack
  9. After all process is complete, let's play

Dragon City Hack Get All Dragon and All Habitat For Free January 2014

Dragon City Hack Get All Dragon and All Habitat For Free, with this cheat you will get All Dragon and All Habitat for free. You do not need to spend gems or gold to get a dragon, just follow the tutorial below and you will get a free dragon.
Info Update:
Dragon City Alien Event Tools (New event tools from Sarthak), update ‎Saturday, ‎January ‎25, ‎2014. (free  tools, no proxy, free download, no password and no survey). Maybe you need to install NET Framework 4 or later to open Dragon City Alien Event Tools
Link Dragon City Alien Event Tools : 
  1. Free Download Dragon City Alien Event Tools

  2. Video Tutorial How Use Dragon City Alien Event Tools

  3. Or use this Tools, Tools from vutrans (No Download and No Proxy)

    Free Dragon City Alien Event Tools
Dragon City Hack Event, Gems, Free Food, Exp, Gold, Dragon, Island, Cleaning items on the island like rock, tree, other and many more Update ‎‎Monday, ‎December ‎02, ‎2013.Update for Dragon City Site Tools (link tools).
Tutorial how to use Dragon City Hack Get All Dragon and All Habitat For Free:
  1. Log in to your facebook account and play Dragon City
  2. Find your facebook id and session id, to how to find facebook id and session id you can see in the video below.
  3. After that open this site:
    DC Site Tools 1
    DC Site Tools 2
    DC Site Tools 3
    DC Site Tools 4
    you will be asked to fill out facebook id and session id, fill with your facebook id and session id
  4. After it all filled and then click submit.
  5. The final step, reload your dragon city and see you storage

Monster Lagends Hack Food, Gold, Gem for Free January 2014

Monster Legends Hack Food, Gold, Xp for Free and also Freeshopping (you can get all pack dragon or monster), with this cheat you will get Food, Xp, Gold,  for free.You do not need to spend gems or gold to get a Monster, food, gold or Xp, just follow the tutorial below and you will get a monster, food, gold or Xp.
Monster Legends Hack Food, Gold, Instant Farm for Free Update ‎‎Saturday, ‎January ‎25, ‎2014
Tutorials how to use Monster Lagends Hack Food, Gold, Instant Farm Free:
  1. Log in to your facebook account and play Monster Legends
  2. Find your facebook id and session id, to how to find facebook id and session id you can see in the video below.
  3. After that download this tools (Update ‎‎Saturday, ‎January ‎25, ‎2014) :

    Free Download Monster Lagends Tools

  4. After it all filled and then select your hack
  5. The final step, reload your Monster Legends

8 Ball Pool Cheat Target Line Hack (New Update) January 2014

8 Ball Pool Cheat Target Line Hack is functioning to make the target line becomes longer. By using this cheats, you will be much easier to insert your billiard balls.
8 Ball Pool is billiards game on facebook a lot of users.. Play billiards eight ball 8 ball pool, with other players online. You have to put all the balls and finally the ball number 8. There are several levels of players, as you gain experience your level will increase.

Info Update: 
8 Ball Pool Cheat Target Line Hack New Update on ‎‎‎‎‎‎Saturday, ‎January ‎25, ‎2014. Update for 8 Ball Long Line.CT. Easier to use, Work for all CE, Work for All Browser.

8 Ball Pool Cheat Target Line Hack Need :
8 Ball Pool Cheat Target Line Hack Steps :
  1. Download and Instal Cheat Engine then Download Long Line.CT
  2. Log in to your facebook account
  3. Play 8 Ball Pool Game (up on lobby)
  4. Seleck process Browser
  5. Open Long Line.CT then tick little box
  6. After that Let's Paly

Let's Fish Hack Always Catch Fish January 2014

Let's Fish Hack Always Catch Fish. This hack function to assist us in catching fish in the game Let's Fish. With this hack, you could always catch fish with ease.
Info Update : 
Let's Fish Hack Always Catch Fish Update ‎‎‎‎Friday, ‎January ‎24, ‎2014. Update for letsfish-V.51.CT (update Catch Fish Instantly)
Equipment Used for Let's Fish Hack Always Catch Fish : 
  1. Cheat Engine

    Free Download Cheat Engine

  2. File letsfish-V.51.CT - Update ‎‎Friday, ‎January ‎24, ‎2014

    Free Download letsfish-V.51.CT

  3. Browser
Steps for Let's Fish Hack Always Catch Fish : 
  1. Download and Insatal Cheat Engine (do not open) then Download File CT
  2. Sign in to game Let's Fish (do not click "Cast the line" first)
  3. Open Cheat Engine with double click File CT
  4. Select process to open then select (FlashPlayerPlugin for firefox or chrome.exe for google chrome) with double click
  5. Then check adrress in address list

Ninja Saga Hack 1 Hit Kill With Cheat Engine (100% work) January 2014

ninja+saga+cheat+1+hit+kill new
Ninja saga hack one hit kill with cheat engine, with this cheat you can easily defeat your enemy, kill enemies with one hit. This cheat has been tested and works.
NOTE : Do not attack using weapon!
Ninja saga hack one hit kill with cheat engine has been updated on Saturday, ‎January ‎18, ‎2014. Update for nsdamage_01.ct

Tools Required:
Steps to use this cheat:
  1. Download and Instal Cheat Engine
  2. Log in to your facebook account and play Ninja Saga Game
  3. Open Cheat Engine
  4. Select a process browser (the computer image on the left)
  5. Open CT file then tick the litle box
  6. then lets play

FarmVille 2 Trainer 1.4 (all in one hack) January 2014

FarmVille 2 Trainer 1.4. This trainer contains a  lot of hack for FarmVille 2, one of them is Win 300,000 xp for putting hay wagon Free or Pool on farm and level up, and many other hack.

FarmVille 2 Trainer (all in one hack, free download, no password and no survey) Update ‎Wednesday, ‎January ‎15, ‎2014.

Click to Free Download FV 2 Trainer Update

Steps to use this trainer:
  1. Just Open Farmville, in your browser, open later this program and choose in the list the browser and click to attach. If farmville is Open it will work and Open.
    A simple menu to connect to the browser. 
  2. When this window is open below, need only be opened with farmville and connected with this program, then click "OFF" to activate the script, use one or more at a time.
    • Always has water and power, just put on, and off when full. Just remember to put off before planting. Or Hoops Daisy will show
    • Win 300,000 xp for putting hay wagon Free or Pool on farm and level up. - Enable, Open Market, find "Wagon" or "Pool" place on farm and level up(max.60)
    • Put a Free Manor House and sell it for 8.000.000 coins. - Enable, Open Market and find "Manor" put on farm and sell.
    • Harvest instant chicken coop, wells and furnace. - Enable this and Harvest , Harvest
    • Make all cash items cost Coins. - Buy all by coins or free.
    • Shop and Request will cost 0. - Buy all by coins or free.
    • Shop and Request will cost 1. - Buy all by coins or free.
    • Ask's and Post's will be ready in 1 minute for quests. - Enable, Send all gifts to your friends and Post´s, harvest prized animals in 60 seconds.
    • Harvest 1 Crop and others 1000 times. - Harvest 1 crop and give 1000 to feed your animals. Feed your animals and get multiple itens.
    • Remove all Rocks and Wood. - Tired for asking peace's to remove all Rocks, just put On visit a neighbour and Go home. Voila !!!
    • Will have 3600 codes in list, change to what you want to have.Copy codes same number and change it.
    • AoB Replacer just put the codes and replace.
  3. Just choose the cheat you want to use. credits:

Ninja Zet Complete Hack January 2014

Ninja Zet Complete Hack, with this cheat you will not be defeated, because this cheat useful to increase power, improve critical and many more. Ninja ZET is similar to other ninja games, like Ninja Saga, My Ninja and others.

Info Update: 
Ninja Zet Complete Hack Update ‎‎‎‎Wednesday, ‎January ‎08, ‎2014. Update Trainer Ninja Zet V.3.4.5 (free download, no password and no survey)

Information about the game Ninja Zet:
Ninja ZET is a traditional Ninja-theme RPG which available in multiple platforms. In Ninja ZET, player can level up and customize his own character with skills, armor and gears. There is also a Guardian system for player to train and evolve their guardians! "Collect all 7 Goshinki and learn the ultimate Jutsu and bring peace to the world." That's the lesson of Legendary ZET give us. So let's join in Ninja ZET world and experience the exciting adventure! No matter you want to be Naruto, Samurai, or other Anime character!! Just build your own avatar!! Experience the exciting adventure with your character and hunt for the mysterious Goshinki!

Cheat List:
Idle Enemy, Always use the skill, Infinite CP,, Infinite AP, Critical 100%, More Damage, Mobility 1000

Tools Used:
Steps to use  Ninja Zet Complete Hack:
  1. Download and Instal Cheat Engine (but do not open)
  2. Download NinjaZet Trainer
  3. Log in to your facebook account then play Ninja Zet (don't click anything)
  4. Open Trainer, select your browser then click select button.
  5. Then enable all hack
  6.  After that, play Ninja Zet

Instant Catch Fish Update January 2014

Instant Catch Fish Update January 2014
Go Fishing Hack Instant Catch Fish Update. This hack function to assist us in catching fish in the game Go Fishing on facebook. With this hack, you could always catch fish with ease. Go Fishing Hack one click pull new update ‎Friday, ‎January ‎03, ‎2014 tested and 100% work.

Tools Required:
  1. Download and Instal Cheat Engine
  2. Download file go fishing instant catch fish.CT
  3. Then open your account facebook and open Go Fishing (Do not press the throw button first)
  4. Open cheat engine and select process to open then select process your browser (FlashPlayerPlugin for Firefox) or (chrome.exe for google chrome)
  5. Then click Ctrl+o on your keyboard then select File go fishing instant catch fish.CT
  6. Then tick the small box
  7. Back to Go Fishing then lets play..